Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Climate, Sky + Geoengineering Weather Links

Good links for more information:

California Sky Watch
Agriculture Defense Coalition
The Weather Makers by Tim Flannery
How to Cool the Planet: Geoengineering and the Audacious Quest to Fix Earth's Climate by Jeff Goodell

Santa Fe Skies

I don't know if these things follow me around or if it now just happens everywhere - but here in Santa Fe - land of the big blue sky - we had 5 out of 6 days covered with chemical air. Three planes at once coating the skies. Truly outrageous. The one beautiful day was totally clear, very little humidity, just made you feel so grateful to be human and alive. The other days made me continue to wonder who is doing this, why are they doing it, and how come the public doesn't really get it. Shouldn't they at least tell people what they're doing so they could protect themselves from the aluminum, barium, fallout? My sense of doing the right thing tells me these folks should tell people what's going on.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Contrails

What should have been a beautiful clear day started out early with aerial contrails.

I've been photographing these trails for years and today for the first time I saw a double chemical rainbow.

Everywhere I look I see these things in the sky - my eye is so attuned to them. I wish it wasn't. The most difficult part of this for me is that people do not even know it's happening - right above them and in plain sight. It's not hard to see it once you know what to look for.

And the other most difficult part is that what's in them is partially aluminum and barium - two highly toxic substances that in the body cause great harm. Alzheimer's and Autism are just 2 diseases that have heavy metals as a big part of the disordered neuro pathways.

And on the environmental front I believe that if we only look to carbon and other aerosols as the main problem of the climate issue -- and not looking to what's actually being done through weather and climate manipulation -- then we are missing the boat and one of the biggest lies of our time will continue hidden and not part of the conversation.

NASA talks about the dimming sky, PG+E even has a weather modification office right in San Francisco. Big things in plain sight.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Commonwealth Club on June 14th

Come to our program on June 14th at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco.

Moth Spray Controversy Update: Business, Farmers and Consumers in Partnership

Caroline Cox, Research Director, Center for Environmental Health
Preston Maring, M.D., Associate Physician in Chief, Kaiser Permanente Medical Center
Chris Mittelstaedt, Founder and CEO, The Fruit Guys; Founder, Farm Steward Program
Roy Upton, General Manager, Planetary Formulas; Author, LBAM Reclassification Petition
Christie Dames, CEO TechTalk / Studio - Moderator

The light brown apple moth has created public controversy as families, farmers and businesses work to keep our food safe - both from a potential threat and the toxic solutions being evaluated. Exploring health, food safety, environmental damage and farming issues, see how diverse communities are coming together to take leadership in issues affecting Northern California - and the new and compelling partnerships springing up around these issues.

MLF: Business & Leadership
SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program
, $20 non-members, $7 students (with valid ID)
Program Organizer: Kevin O'Malley
Also know: Photo by Flickr user davemasterking2000

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